POV… You took down your Christmas décor and you moved on to decluttering, organizing, and purging every square inch of your house. Girl, same.
But then that deep cleaning motivation wears off and you find yourself sitting in a big mess of toys, clothes, & shoes everywhere…well, now what?! Enter your “Rhea Lana’s Era”!
Did you know that Rhea Lana’s Children Consignment Event franchises have “VIP” programs where their processing angels will do it ALL for you?! Seriously…you just give them your gently-loved items and they will prepare, price, and even deliver them to the sale for you! You sit back in your freshly decluttered space and earn a paycheck and a free early shopping pass! #WinWin (You can earn even more money by doing the consigning prep work yourself – And with our Voice Entry software, entering items is quick and painless!)
Getting rid of the toys the kids no longer play with and sorting through clothes that are too small can seem like a daunting task. But once it’s finally completed, you will feel accomplished, organized, and ready to conquer the next task that motherhood brings! Decluttering helps ease stress, boosts your mood, and improves productivity! If you’re struggling with where to start, then you’ve come to the right place! Click here to find an upcoming event near you, and to learn about their consigning opportunities including the VIP treatment!
Start small. Start with one drawer, or maybe a closet. Looking at one freshly cleaned-out space might inspire you to keep going. So, keep the momentum going by going through bedrooms, playrooms, and even the garage. You’ll see your money pile grow!
Use the box method. As you move through items in your home, create a sorting system with 4 boxes—keep, throw away, donate, sell. The box method forces you to decide on each item, rather than ending up with a bigger mess than you started with!
Avoid treating your home like a storage unit. Keeping something because MAYBE you might use it one day in the next five years comes at the expense of living in an open, breathable space. Not to mention how happy these gently-loved items will make another child or an expecting mom who can save hundreds by shopping secondhand!
Remember the first step to de-cluttering your home (and your life), is to START! The goal is to jump in with excitement and determination to ensure success! Turn on some music to get you energized, and take steps to a more organized life! You’ve got this!
Our YouTube Channel has lots of helpful videos for learning more about the consigning process! Check them out here.