Rhea Lana Riner, one of Arkansas’ most innovative and successful entrepreneurs, will be the February speaker for Lunch With a Leader at Arkansas Tech University.
Students, faculty, and community members gathered to hear Rhea Lana Riner share about her business journey from her Conway, AR living room to over 120 franchises nationwide.
A record amount of items, including clothing, shoes, and toys, was donated to foster families and the First Baptist Crisis Center at Rhea Lana’s children’s consignment resale event.
Raising a family and starting out as new parents can be expensive, so Rhea Lana’s of Texoma is hosting an upscale consignment sale for families of Texoma.
The Rhea Lana’s of Midland-Odessa consignment event is back for its 21st event, bringing the community together for a week of shopping, selling and savings.