Hi, I’m Brittany Miller. Although I’m a Utah native, I’ve called Northwest Arkansas home for 7 years. My husband Colton and I have 3 kids (ages 8, 5 and 4) and we are currently expecting a surprise baby in April.
I’ve been shopping at Rhea Lana’s of Northwest Arkansas for 6 of my 7 years here, and the only reason I know that is because I remember standing in a long, frigid line, 8-months pregnant with my second child, waiting to get in for mom-to-be night with my best friend! (See below!)) It’s been so long, I really don’t remember how I heard about Rhea Lana’s– probably from a church friend who shared a consignor pass???

Since then, I’ve shopped, consigned, and worked a couple of shifts to make a few bucks (and get a break from a toddler, haha!) and now I consistently attend the influencer night for the NWA and Fayetteville locations.
Sustainably Shopping #1
The thing that I’m always in awe of at Rhea Lana’s are the moms who come with their wagons and fill it with a mountain of clothes, and then turn around and consign last season’s items or grown-out clothes to help recoup costs. Those moms are incredible! I also love people-watching at events and making comments and connections about the clothes we’re sorting through. “Can you believe this deal?? Look how cute!” “Why would someone consign this for this price? They must be new…” 😂

Sustainably Shopping #2
As far as global sustainability, I believe that moms and families should do what they feel is best for them. If that means purchasing everything new, then great! But in this world of “fast fashion” and the unknowns of the economy, the more people know about reusing children’s clothing/items with Rhea Lana’s Children’s Consignment Events, the better! Families help families by using and reusing clothes until your son rips holes in everything, or your daughter has done one too many art projects, or all your kids find the latest mudhole in the backyard, strip all their clothes off, and then leave them in the yard for a month to become dirt-stained and sun-bleached (don’t ask me how I know! 🙂) By recycling and reusing children’s items, moms can get more with their money, and maybe even try something they wouldn’t have tried at full price!
Smart Shopping #1
I have a couple of personal rules when shopping. If it’s $5 or less, it goes straight to the cart. If it’s $8 or less, I’ll get it if it’s a necessity for the next season. If it’s more than $8, then I’ll hang onto it until I’m done shopping and if I REALLY like it, I’ll get it! These rules have helped me to snag awesome deals, and really be happy with my purchases when I get home (avoiding buyer’s remorse). I have walked away with some AMAZING deals when it comes to clothes and shoes! I’m also a frequent shopper of the toy section (shout out to Ashely & the NWA team for an amazing organizational job!) Christmas and birthdays are made easy, and one time, I found a rare treasure! I stumbled upon a 1986 first-edition American Girl doll, Samantha. Because I’m a part of some collector groups on Facebook, I recognized that she might be more vintage and decided to buy her for $50. When I got home, I did a bunch of research and found out how old she really was! I fixed her up, cleaned her, and sold her to a collector for $2000 (after being listed on the collector page for 3 minutes). I’m still shook to this day!
Smart Shopping #2
I’ve posted about Rhea Lana’s so much, my mother-in-law is always envious at every opportunity that I get to shop. She has 21 grandkids, so when she was in town during an event, we went together for a few hours– she was in heaven! My Utah-based sister has also shopped in my stead (as I was in Europe during an event where I NEEDED new coats and jackets for the kids). By shopping at Rhea Lana’s for things like school shoes, winter gear, pajamas in the next size up, swimsuits, etc. I’m able to get far more for the same price as purchasing these items as new. And more often than not, the quality is just as good! The best items to consign and purchase at Rhea Lana’s are the things that other kids have grown out of too quickly and haven’t worn down. I’ve felt so much less guilt as a mom when needing to purchase sized-up items like coats or shoes for all 3 kids.
Truly, Rhea Lana’s is so much MORE than a discount pop-up event. It’s like a little treasure hunt, knowing that you’re going to come away with something that you love! Sharing items with other moms brings us all together because we’re really all just trying to make it through this phase of life (alive, and hopefully with most of our brain cells)! And it’s FUN!

Buying My Own Rhea Lana’s Franchise
With Utah continuing to lead the national average of children per household, it made SO much sense to bring Rhea Lana’s shopping, culture, and mission to the state! I knew that my home county needed something like this, so I called my sister and asked if she’d like to run the first Rhea Lana’s in the state with me! We are excited to see where it takes us, and hope that other moms can catch the vision of shopping smart and sustainable. Follow Rhea Lana’s of Utah Valley on Facebook!

You can learn more about franchising here!